Really looking forward to running an interactive talk tomorrow at the wellbeing festival.
This years theme is community matters at the Hamilton House Wellbeing Festival at Stokes Croft Bristol on 30 April. Saturday’s event will see the launch of a crowdfunding campaign. The aim is to raise £3700 to fund a team of therapists who “will bring one-to-one massage and group mindfulness sessions to up to 300 older people in Bristol’s care homes.” Tickets available on, which for £5 gives you access to the whole festival.
Mariposa Coaching is doing a talk at 11.30am in the talk space on Creating Healthy Relationships which has an important link to our community and wellbeing..please come along it will be an interactive talk and will be fun and engaging ..details on what I am covering below: Do you know the essence of good communication within relationships? Could you benefit from learning more about relationship skills and how to avoid habits that get in the way of helpful communication? This interactive talk will focus on a change you can make to increase positivity within a relationship. 07811 740580

This will be a taster of the workshop in relationship skills on Sat 15 Oct at The Coaching Room, Mariposa Coaching, 6 Orchard Close, Flax Bourton Bristol BS481UE, 11-1pm (5 miles south of Bristol on the inner Bristol zone bus route and sustrans cycle track)

This will be an introduction to relationship skills that affirm and support yourself and others. These skills can be applied to all interactions but we will focus on close personal relationships.
We will look at active listening, open and honest communication, getting heard, strengths that you bring to a relationship and how to manage conflicts that arise in a positive way. Healthy relationships mean that you are constantly working on being responsive to your own thinking and feeling and that of others. You have belief in the value that you bring to a secure relationship. Communicating well with a partner will bring confidence and bring out the best in you so you can be the best in the relationship.
Contact Sarah on to arrange to pay to secure your place. 07811 74050 if you have any queries please call to chat these through. Really looking forward to running this workshop! Refreshments will be included and cost is £35.