Thank you to the participants of today's workshop..as you can see there was some nurturing going on!
We started out with the following objectives:
•To be aware of the connection between performance and optimum levels of wellbeing
•To understand stress and to learn stress busting techniques to increase resilience
•To be able to use mindfulness as a practice in your daily life to break the stress cycle
There were some really interesting discussions around what stress is, how it differs from pressure and how you can change your perception to change your stress response. We looked at situations that can be tricky to handle, the response that this can bring up on a personal level and then strategies to manage this. We also finished with some mindfulness practice.

The feedback included how it had been helpful to 'talk and look at triggers' and in particular to 'be able to talk openly and put things into perspective'. Also that there was a light bulb moment in looking at the importance of enlightened self interest. The changes that participants wanted to take forward included thinking about your own needs as well as others. This links to reducing stress as you need to look after yourself to be the best you can be for yourself so you can be most effective with others. There were also changes linked to being more assertive. If you feel confident in communicating your thoughts, feelings, needs to others then this in turn means you are less likely to tip into stress. It was a really interesting session and it was a total pleasure to run.
Interested in this workshop?
The same workshop is running at Yanley Court, Long Ashton on 21.5. 16 2-4pm.
Making the most of your time: getting the balance right workshop which is all about aligning your values with your goals, addressing procrastination and improving your ability to manage your time is Bristol Health Hub 14.5 10-12.
Assertiveness skills: getting the balance right is running on 17.9.16 at Yanley Court, Long Ashton.
I am also expecting to run another Assertiveness: getting the balance right at The Family Practice so please get in touch if this would be helpful to you. In addition I am running a relationship skills workshop on 10.9.16 in Bath.
Thanks to the Family Practice for the use of their venue and flowers!
sarah.mariposacoaching@gmail.com /07811740580.