Photos are photos right? Most people can point and click and take a photo of their business to help the whole branding process? I have been learning a bit more about the whole idea of revealing your business through images.
Lidia Drzewiecka from Visuable has been showing me that it is more complicated than you think. 52 Week Visual Brand Impact Challenge via Facebook has woken this small business up a bit! I have been provided with a series of branding challenges.
I have been challenged to provide a rule of thirds and here is one of my favourites!

Lidia gave us a challenge to incorporate family....the pictures in the background are created by my teenagers.

The cake in this shot was made by my wonderful daughter and for my workshops she always creates her cake masterpiece of blackberry and apple cake that goes down well!

I liked this photo as an image that markets what I do at a stand at The Art of Wellbeing Backwell House.

So what have I learnt so far? Well I am slowly getting better at using pictures of me coaching and training 'in action' to show clients what they can expect from Mariposa Coaching via visual messages.
I am also working on having more purple, more butterflies (mariposas) in the shots. Lidia asked me where they were..good point. Is it time to invest in a purple scarf perhaps? Here is my coaching room with butterfly picture from my sister Julia Thompson and a purple light which changes. This is particularly good to use when coaching clients such as teenagers who can change the colour of the light to reflect their mood when we are covering emotional intelligence work. It worked well I think in this picture to change my whole room to purple for the picture in line with my purple mariposa brand. The theme in this picture is also one of glass, you can see if you look closely the 1930's stained glass window I put in above the coaching room door.

I am starting to improve my ability to put myself in photographs about my business. This was taken at one of my workshops.

I wasn't sure if it would be ok to take photos with other people in the shot but Lidia made me feel more confident about this and said just ask and the answer was yes, a big thank you to the wonderful person in the pic with me here!

So thanks to Lidia from Visuable..I am still learning. Look out for the #visuablebrandimpact tags on instagram folks! Also check out
I always check first that it is ok to take photos if other people are around..just a health warning that you are probably aware of!